Rayol Bay is a unique development of just 25 south facing, studio to two bedroom apartments, each with a spacious terrace or garden and wonderful sea view located just a 12 minute walk to the beach and less than 10 mins to the shops & restaurants. There is a lift and underground parking is included as is a bicycle and pram storage area while the apartments have optimal sound and thermal insulation, electric powered blinds, large format tiles and more. Use this as your main or second home or if you wish you can sign a rental mandate with Avecoeur who provide quasi hotel services and concierge for short term bookings. If you sign this mandate and rent your apartment out for at least a few weeks each year you will benefit from receiving back all the Vat included in your purchase price (20%) but also of course the rental income received less the commission. Avecoeur, in addition to property management are also developers, interior designers and mortgage brokers, making the group a unique one stop shop for property investors in France.
Rayol Canadel Sur Mer
Rayol Bay is located just a 12 minute walk to the beach where you will find a selection of restaurants and just a 7 min walk to the nearest restautrant, shops, bakery, mini-market.
Crossed by the pretty coastal road, on the west-east axis between Marseille and Menton, the town of Rayol- Canadel sur Mer has been part of the Community of Communes of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez since 2013. Living in Rayol… means choosing to live in the heart of Provence, in a Var village which has kept all its authenticity on the shores of the Mediterranean. It's preferring calm to bustle, while remaining close to very lively cities such as Saint-Tropez, Hyères, Sainte-Maxime or Toulon. It is to share the story of a seaside resort created in 1925 and marked by strong moments for France: the village was the scene of Operation Anvil Dragoon during the landing in Provence on August 14, 1944, as several monuments recall. It is walking in the footsteps of famous personalities such as Henry Royce, co-founder of the Rolls-Royce automobile brand, Charles Sarrazin, architect who had several villas built there, Henry Potez. It is to enjoy a generous Mediterranean nature, facing the sea. Magnificently wooded with forests of cork oaks, heather and mimosas, the commune of Rayol Canadel sur Mer extends in a circle of greenery with, to the north, the Massif des Maures and, to the south, the coast rock formed by capes, coves and magnificent bays sheltering three fine sandy beaches. The town also has a treasure: the renowned Domaine du Rayol and its Jardin des Méditerranées. A real invitation to travel through the landscapes of the Mediterranean, arid and subtropical world, this protected natural area of 20 hectares is open all year round. Facing the village and right in the middle of the big blue stretch the Levant Islands, Porquerolles Islands and the Island of Port-Cros, recognized worldwide for its National Park protected in the Natura 2000 area.
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