Ref.4122 : 19th Century Presbyteria In HAUT-ANJOU
This beautiful 19th century bourgeois house, formerly used as a presbytery, is built on the outskirts of a charming village in the Haut Anjou region. It has a direct view over the Mayenne and enjoys a peaceful, inspiring setting.
Close to Angers and not far from the resourceful towns of Le Lion d'Angers and Château-Gontier sur Mayenne, this residence is ideally situated between the business centres of Angers and Laval, giving it easy access from the Paris region and the major cities of the West, Nantes, Rennes, Le Mans and Bordeaux. The village has a primary school, a bread depot, sports facilities and a library.
The Mayenne Valley offers a wide range of leisure activities. The towpath offers long daily walks, and a nearby lake is ideal for water sports such as waterskiing and fishing.
Golf enthusiasts can indulge their passion at one of the many golf courses in the surrounding area.
Nearby Parc de l'Isle Briand is home to one of the world's most famous horse-racing sites. Every year, the Lion d'Angers racecourse hosts one of the biggest international equestrian competitions: Le Mondial du Lion. Many cultural activities are also available: museums, zoo, festivals, etc.
Built over four stories of dressed stone and slate-clad stone rubble, this former presbytery spans approx. 250Sqm of living space and is harmoniously fitted with numerous tufa stone-framed windows providing pleasant light throughout.
It is also topped with beautifully ornamented pedimented dormers and slender brick chimneys.
To the east, it features an imposing courtyard facade adorned with pilasters and ornaments with dentils and floral motifs that add to the refinement of this house.
It is laid out as follows:
Ground floor: a vast through vestibule gives access to the basement, the upper floors and the living rooms: large lounge, kitchen, pantry and dining room. There are floor tiles, terracotta tiles and parquet flooring, marble fireplaces and moulded ceilings.
On the first floor: a landing leads to 4 bedrooms and a bathroom. The floors are of old terracotta tiles or carpet and there are marble fireplaces.
Second floor: a landing leads to 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and an attic that could be converted. The floors are in beautiful old terracotta tiles.
The basement comprises a cellar and storage space.
Two beautiful outbuildings in good condition complement the property:
A former stable with a bread oven, now used as a shed and laundry room.
An old stable also used as a shed.
Beautiful, fully enclosed English-style parkland of approx. 5,000Sqm, attractively laid out and adorned with beautiful trees (ginkgo biloba, cedar of Lebanon, oak, lime, pine, holly, wisteria, fruit trees, cherry, apple, pear, apricot, quince, etc.) and overlooking the Mayenne river. The view is exceptional.
Cabinet Le Nail Maine-et-Loire - M. Lodoïs Hubert :
Lodoïs Hubert, Individual company, registered in the Special Register of Commercial Agents, under the number 792 044 077.
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