Situated on a hill forming a defensive line known since the Hundred Years' War, with remnants of a watchtower, near a prehistoric site, this superb 15th-century château was modified in the 18th century. It retains all the charm and elegance of Périgourdine properties, ideal for lovers of historic architecture and authenticity.
A beautiful alley lined with centuries-old chestnut and lime trees leads to a charming carriage gate with a side gate, set in 18th-century stonework patinated by time. Upon arrival, a sumptuous courtyard reveals a building with bright and balanced architecture. The blonde stone creates a subtle play of light, accentuated by the surrounding vegetation. The eye is drawn to a monumental staircase tower connecting two wings at right angles. The cylindrical tower is topped with a pepperpot roof. Besides providing additional access to the upper floors, this tower gives the building a unique harmony and elegance.
The main courtyard also houses a well, a superb dovecote tower, an old chapel, agricultural buildings, former stables, barns converted into garages, and an old wine storehouse with vaulted rooms. The entire ensemble exudes a welcoming and picturesque atmosphere. Trees and greenery are omnipresent, enhancing the peacefulness of the setting.
The château, once owned by a famous New York art dealer associated with Henri Matisse's son, extends over nearly 450 m² of living space, with convertible attics. It includes a magnificent entrance with a staircase, an office with a fireplace, a large living room, a grand dining room, a smaller, more intimate dining room, and a spacious kitchen with a cantou and a back kitchen. The château features 5 beautiful bedrooms and attics under superb inverted boat-hull-shaped frames.
The property features beautiful gardens surrounded by elegant annex buildings, including two residential houses and old agricultural buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries. These testify to a rich past and offer multiple possibilities: creation of gîtes, apartments, an auditorium, or large reception rooms.
The estate spans 64 hectares, including forests, agricultural land, and former vineyards.
All these elements combine to create charm and authenticity, hallmarks of historic properties in the Périgord region.
PRESTANT Realty - Bruno de Saint-Exupéry - +33 (0) - For more information about this property: (Item )
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(primarna energija)273 kWh/m².god
68 kg CO₂/m².god
Smještaj s energetski izrazitom potrošnjom energije
Dijagnoza postavljena nakon 1. srpnja 2021.
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Niska emisija CO₂
68 kg CO₂/m².god
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