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Property Drôme : 656 properties for sale
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Village houses in Poët-Laval
Drôme Property
Drôme is a big department offering a very wide variety of landscapes where mountains give way to rolling hillsides, forests, olive groves and lavender fields. From the Vercors Regional Park, a favorite spot for hikers, skiers and climbing fanatics, to Drôme Provencal with its marvelous smells of lavender, and where the roads are interspersed with delightful hilltop villages, everyone can find what they are looking for here. Property in Drôme is very rich and offers a range of properties at all prices: land, apartments, old houses, villas... According to one's tastes and budget, you will have plenty of choice: an apartment in Valence, a villa in Montelimar, or an old farmhouse around Nyons.